Enola gay exhibit script

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'To display the Enola Gay without context and without the considerable historical information and interpretation that is available, is to glorify and legitimate the use of nuclear weapons,' said Jo Becker of the Fellowship. The Fellowship of Reconciliation, a confederation of peace organizations, was reduced to staging a press conference in the rain out front of the museum yesterday, announcing plans for a few days of leafleting and protest. But they apparently have little clout in Congress these days. Now peace groups and some historians' organizations are upset. The exhibit is not 100 percent free of controversy, however. And, I must say that this form and format - this objectivity, demonstrates the merits and the positive influences of management.' 'There is no attempt to persuade anyone about anything. 'I firmly believe that you have gotten to the basic facts,' writes Mr. Michael Heyman on June 21 complimenting him on a 'first rate' exhibit. Tibbets, who saw the show a couple of weeks ago, wrote to Smithsonian Secretary I.

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